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Hey! Hi! How's it going? Happy New Year!

I want to start off by saying sorry. I have massively neglected this site over the past twelve months. I hope that with the beginning of a new year, I might actually dedicate some more time to posting on here.


Where to begin? It's been a whole year already can you even believe?!

I wanted to start off with a little recap of what went on with both me and the business last year. It felt so chaotic I can still feel the tremors lol. I am lucky to be where I am right now. It may not be perfect and I might not be where I want to be in my business, but what would be the point if I didn’t want to grow and improve as an independent business owner.

2021 was hard. Amazing. But hard. At the time of setting up my business I was still working for Starbucks. I was selling face masks and learning how to run an Etsy store one day at a time. (Fake it till ya make it right?!)

In June I tested positive for covid and I ended up taking a month off work. It hit me really bad! As a result, I decided to leave Starbucks. I thought I’d risk going full time with my business in the hopes that both the business and my health would improve.

It was scary. I felt the imposter syndrome setting in fast. Was I ready? Did I have any idea what I was doing? Could I really make this work? Don’t get me wrong, it’s been so fun coming up with products, finding beautiful new fabrics to use, interacting with other businesses and customers. However these thoughts still come to me on a daily basis! (Thank god for supportive friends and family right!)

A few more months down the line and I ended up getting diagnosed with Endometriosis. This is a life long diagnosis and an illness I have to deal with on pretty much a daily basis. I had surgery in September which had a knock on effect on my business. (Come on cruel world, what else you want to throw at me!! I can take it!)

So it’s been a ride!! The Christmas season was insane. I made more sales in December than any other time in 2021. I can’t quite believe it’s been a whole 365 days of this journey already

But it’s a new year and new beginnings. I am so excited about what I’ve got planned for 2022. I hope to see exciting new products, I want to make real life appearances at markets… like in person!! and I want to try and push myself more through my social media content.

But more importantly I want to keep having fun!!!!

Thank you so much for following me so far. I wouldn’t be where I am without every single one of you!!



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

The Independent Cotton Co. was set up with practicality and comfort in mind. I hope you like my products. Check out my Etsy store for more info!

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