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What do I need for a market stall?

Good morning! Hope you had a good weekend?

So where did I leave it last week after my giant rant!? That’s right, preparing for a market. There are two aspects I’ve realised that are so important when running a stall as a small business. One is making sure to use branding in a strategic way. Looking back on my first market I feel like I almost did myself a disservice by not having enough imagery. Whether that was through my banner, the logos on my business cards, the colours I used, it all has to look cohesive. I want to tell people a story, to set a scene. And with a lack of imagery it’s difficult to portray that. Thats where Vista Print came in.

(Non spon) From their immense variety of customisable products they offer to the speed at which you can have it arrive on your doorstep. They were kind of a life saver when it came to preparing for my first market. I even bought myself some tshirts and a car magnet! So professional.

The second item that I don’t think I could survive without at a market would have to be a card reader. The world is advancing and so is currency. Since the pandemic I almost feel as though its a rarity that people use physical money anymore. After some research I’ve ended up with a SumUp card reader. For me, especially being a technophobe and all, the thought of setting up and using a contactless card reader was slightly anxiety inducing. However, it turns out it is super easy and I absolutely love it! Plus I feel so much more professional now. It adds to that image, you know, the one where you know what you're doing in life.

Anyhow, that was a short and sweet summary of a few thinks I've grown to rely on for markets. I hope you found it useful and informative. Stay awesome x



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The Independent Cotton Co. was set up with practicality and comfort in mind. I hope you like my products. Check out my Etsy store for more info!

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