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Preparing for my first market.

Hey how's it going?

So I just wanted take a second to explain how 'non-tech savvy' or 'tech illiterate' I am. I've been saying for while that I'm quite inconsistent with this blog, only posting every few months due to my total lack of focus and organisation. Tossing and turning trying to think of a way to get back on it. Well it turns out you can schedule blog posts! Which means that if I do find, on the off chance that I feel able to focus enough to write a post or two, then I can totally sit down, bash them out, and schedule to post within the following days or weeks. How crazy is that!! Isn't technology amazing.

Anyhow, onto more serious matters. I want to talk about how I prepared for my first market. Because honestly, as much as the idea seemed nice, I didn't have a blinkin clue what I was doing. So my immediate thought was to look on Pinterest. I was bound to find some funky ideas on there. I am a visual person through and through, so this helped a great deal when it came to choosing how to display my products. I decided to create a concept drawing to express my ideas.

One thing I came to find after a lot of research and much to my chagrin was that market accessories are expensive. I was not prepared for all the bits and bobs I would need. Table cloths, Signs, Display stands, Price Lists, a Card Reader (How professional) and lets not forget my actual products too. It's all an investment though right? Then I needed to figure out how to get it all to the market. I'm currently going through various options; crates, duffel bags, suitcases. As a one woman show with no car let me tell you it's no small feat. Thank god for 'mums taxi service' ey!

So yeah! It's a massive learning curve and I'm really enjoying the process. Any tips and tricks are more than welcome, jus gimme an email. I'm looking forward to sharing more in my next post!

Thanks again for reading my babble, catch ya next time and stay awesome x



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The Independent Cotton Co. was set up with practicality and comfort in mind. I hope you like my products. Check out my Etsy store for more info!

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