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I guess I can't keep to my word

So I take back everything I said in my last post about regularly publishing content.

Sometimes you stick to plans, sometimes you don't. I told myself that Mondays were going to be my blog writing day. I was going to post at least once a month. I told myself I was going to update you on all my shenanigans. And as of yet it hasn't happened, but that's ok. Maybe writing isn't for me? Maybe I wasn't born for a structured, admin filled life - let's be honest, few are. I'm here now though and I have much to tell you.

Number one on my list … I'm doing markets! I can't express how proud I am of myself for going ahead with my plans. I've wanted to take part in markets for quite some time. I was so hesitant to get started. I wasn't sure if I could handle face to face customer interaction. I had doubts about people actually wanting to buy my products. You know what though, it turns out I love them. I love the social interaction I get from customers and even other small business owners (it can get lonely working from home) I can't say it wasn't daunting at first, I mean look at my petrified little face. But for anyone thinking about doing markets, just do it! Jump in head first. You'll be surprised at how supportive the market community can be. So my vague plan going forward is to write about the experiences I have at markets. To tell you what it's like being behind the stall rather than in front of it. I think it could be fun! Let me know what you think.

So now that you know the big big news, next on the list is that I have started making more products. Different products. Products that I hope you're gonna love. My suggestion would be to go check out my Etsy store (Hint; there're links all over this site) I think my fave at the minute would have to be my mini make-up bags because they're just so darn cute. They're great for keeping your essentials safe and tidy while you're on the go. They're made from a super soft and sturdy corduroy and they're just the perfect size to fit in your bag to ensure your makeup doesn't spill!

Thank you so much for sticking around. I hope to introduce a bit more frequency into my blog posts. We shall see what happens. In the mean time, stay awesome x



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The Independent Cotton Co. was set up with practicality and comfort in mind. I hope you like my products. Check out my Etsy store for more info!

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